A downloadable emulator

Vircon32 is a virtual game console, created from scratch. It is a 32-bit system created with the goal of being as simple as possible, but still having enough features to support full, elaborate games. Would you like to play it? Just download this emulator and some games or demos, and you are ready to go. You can find some games for it here at itch.io. But you will find additional roms, as well as development tools and guides, at the Vircon32 website.

Console specifications:

  • Simplified 32-bit architecture
  • 15 MHz CPU with floating point support
  • 16 MB of RAM
  • Screen of 640 x 360 pixels (16 : 9), with true color
  • CD-quality stereo sound with 16 channels
  • Up to 4 gamepads with 6 buttons + Start
  • Supports 1 MB memory cards to save games
  • Each ROM is a single file
  • Has a C compiler: no need to write assembly
  • Build tools can import image and sound files

Emulator features:

This emulator supports keyboard and up to 4 joysticks, which can all be customized. User interface is available in English and Spanish. Your preferences for video and audio can be saved. This emulator is free and open source, you can obtain the source code at the Vircon32 website.

Note that this console is NOT designed for game creation within the console itself: the development tools are provided separately.

Note on use:

Remember that this is only the emulator: you will also need some Vircon32 game or program to play!

To configure your keyboard or joysticks to play, follow the instructions within the program's help or read the Readme.txt file indications.


Vircon32 Emulator 24.10.18 Windows.zip 5.4 MB
Vircon32 Emulator 24.10.18 Linux 64bit (Debian family).zip 1.5 MB
Vircon32 Emulator 24.10.18 Linux 64bit (Red Hat family).zip 2 MB
Vircon32 Emulator 24.10.18 MacOS 13.zip 2 MB
Vircon32 Emulator 24.10.18 MacOS 15.zip 1.9 MB
Vircon32 Emulator 24.10.18 Raspberry Pi 4 (Raspbian).zip 1.2 MB

Install instructions

Choose from the files below to install the Vircon32 emulator on Windows, Linux, MacOS or Raspberry Pi. Depending on your operating system, the process to prepare the emulator for use will be different:


Just extract the ZIP into any folder. All needed DLL libraries are already included.


Install the DEB or RPM package (depending on your system) using the corresponding commands:


(1) Install package:

sudo dpkg -i <package>

(2) Install dependencies:

sudo apt-get install -f


Install package along with its dependencies:

sudo yum localinstall <package>


First extract the ZIP into any folder with write permission. To install dependencies, the Hombrew package manager is used (it can be installed from its website). The commands needed to install the dependencies are:

brew install sdl2
brew install sdl2_image
brew install openal-soft
brew install freealut
brew install tinyxml2

Raspberry Pi:

Install the DEB  package with the same process as shown for Linux.